Kaitlin Olson是女主角,扮演Mackenzie “Mickey” Murphy,生活潦倒、说话粗鲁、烟不离手的女人。因为她那富得流油的妹妹为了逃避联邦起诉而逃离了美国, 只好搬到康涅狄格州的格林威治,去照顾妹妹那些已宠坏的孩子。她很快知道一件众人皆知的事:别人家的就是熊孩子。 Sofia Black D’Elia 扮演Sabrina,Mickey照顾...
ITV has commissioned the epic and compelling story of Howard Carter’s discovery of the tomb of one of Ancient Egypt’s forgotten pharaohs, the boy-king Tutankhamun. Set against the great sweep of ochre sands, looming cliffs and baking heat of Egypt’s Valley of the Kings, the story unfolds from...