破案剧集《海军犯罪调查处 NCIS》衍生剧《洛杉矶海军犯罪调查 NCIS: Los Angeles》由ChrisO’Donnell和LL Cool J出演,主角是专注于高风险的卧底及侦察任务的出奇小组Office of SpecialProjects(OSP),它们将专门负责危及到社稷安全的高危险案犯。拥有各种高尖端科技以及各种不一样身份的受过特别训练的小组成员,将...
一直以来,尼基(丹尼尔·布鲁赫 Daniel Brühl 饰)和詹姆斯(克里斯·海姆斯沃斯 Chris Hemsworth 饰)都是针锋相对的死对头。尼基认真严肃,对赛车的职业十分尊重,詹姆斯喜欢铤而走险,将赛车作为自己寻花问柳的筹码,虽然两人有着截然不同的个性,但他们之间的较量却从未停止过。 为了改变自己不够成熟的性格,詹...
Hage, the Holy Spirit, is writing a musical, when Jesus returns to earth at Christmas to prepare the apocalypse. To prevent this, Hage tries to convince him that mankind is worth saving with the help of a beautiful striptease dancer.
On her way home for a family visit, 21-year old Lucy emerges from a Brooklyn subway to find her neighborhood under attack. Lucy decides to cross the treacherous five blocks of Bushwick – littered with looters, local militias, the invading forces, and one crazy cousin – in order to get home an...
特拉沃(克里斯汀?贝尔 Christian Bale 饰)是一个机械师,他的工作内容繁忙机械,日复一日,令他日渐消瘦,连睡眠都出现了严重的问题。长达一年里,特拉沃成为了无法睡眠的怪人。怪事也从此陆续发生:他在公寓里面发现了一张神秘纸条;总是感觉有一个共事的工友,在一次意外中工友失去了一只手,所有的同事都把这个...
In a new departure for fantasy that will challenge the head as well as the senses, the body of a mutilated foreign student is discovered in the streets of the crumbling European city of Bes?el. Cases like this are run of the mill for Inspector Tyador Borlú of the Extreme Crime Squad - until h...
CBS电视台常青树NCIS的衍生剧NCIS: Los Angeles无疑是去年最受瞩目的新剧之一。超合拍的搭档组合,美丽的海岸风光,引人入胜的案情和火爆的追凶场景都是吸引观众的法宝。与NCIS不同,LA分部的队伍叫做Office of Special Projects(OSP) 特别行动组,主要负责危及到国家安全的高危险罪犯。队员受过特殊训练,拥有尖端...