A psychological drama centered around world-famous turn-of-the-century photographer, Eadweard Muybridge who photographed nude and deformed subjects, became the godfather of cinema, murdered his wife's lover, and was the last American to receive the justifiable homicide verdict.
本片为2001年在《猫狗大战》的续集。 故事发生在距离上一次猫咪和狗狗的大战已经过去了数年之后。来之不易的和平再一次受到威胁。这次的敌人可不是上一部中的笨蛋,它可是原猫咪间谍组织“喵”(MEOWS)的顶级特工,名为Kitty Galore。它顺利地窃取到了狗狗组织的核心机密,并且为了报复狗狗组织和人类,它设计了一个...
Nick Newell, a one-armed MMA fighter gets a rare chance to fight for the lightweight championship. He strives to win for himself and all the other people in the world with physical challenges.
艾米丽(艾丽西亚·希尔维斯通 饰)是一个寂寞的富家女孩,为了让忙碌的老爸多看她一眼,她愿意用尽任何手段。当她使出浑身解数却仍引不起爸爸的注意时,艾米丽决定自导自演一出绑架案:她先用变声器打了一通勒索电话,写下赎金的纸条,然后把自己用胶带捆绑后,跳进老爸BMW的车箱中。没想到,计谋还没成功,这辆车就...