The Vigilante Diaries is a high octane action-adventure film featuring 90s movie heroes, explosive action, and international espionage. The film revolves around a team of black-ops agents turned crime-fighters, led by a brooding anti-hero, known only as "The Vigilante." These jam-packed missi...
A new twist was revealed for this season changing the format of the show. In previous seasons, the two worst performing queens had to "Lip-sync for their Life" to avoid elimination. This season has the two best performing queens of the challenge "Lip-sync for their Legacy", with the winner of...
这一次,袭击将在纽约展开。经过第七季的努力,杰克(基弗·萨瑟兰 Kiefer Sutherland 饰)终于获得了总统的赦免,现在一身轻松的与女儿和孙女过着简单、轻松的幸福生活。可是这样的生活却没有持续多久,一名雇佣兵找上门来,希望杰克能回到重新组建的CTU,帮忙调查一场即将展开的恐怖阴谋。原来,一个中东国家的总统...