Set against the beautiful and complex landscapes of post-war Czechoslovakia, Milada Horáková’s true story shook the world and triggered powerful and fervent responses from many nations and renowned individuals across the globe – Churchill, Einstein, and Eleanor Roosevelt, to name a few. Throu...
大峡谷Grand Canyan位于美国亚利桑那州西北部科罗拉多河中游、科罗拉多高原的西南部,是地球上最为壮丽的景色之一,由深邃的山谷所夹峙,分成南壁与北壁两部分。南壁因交通方便,也有旅社等设施,而且在冬季雪期,仍能欣赏天然奇景,因而成为观光大峡谷的中心。 自冰河时代开始,直到今天,在无数世纪间,科罗拉多河...
In Mercier, Louisiana, the freshmen friends of the Tate University Jason Ortiz, Aaron and Eden go to an underground party in the woods nearby the local cemetery. They drink the punch spiced with ecstasy and completely drugged, Jason is attacked and kill......