Younger is about a single mom (Foster) who suddenly finds herself back in the workforce but her age is going to prove extremely difficult. However, all of that changes when she runs into (Mazar) who thinks she looks a lot younger. She soon ends up working as an assistant and making friends wi...
保尔从小在苦水中长大,早年丧父,母亲替人洗衣、做饭,哥哥是工人。保尔12岁时,母亲把他送到车站食堂当杂役,他在食堂里干了两年,受尽了凌辱。 十月革命爆发后,保尔的家乡乌克兰谢别托夫卡镇也和苏联其他地方一样,遭受了外国武装干涉者和国内反动派的践踏。红军解放了谢别托夫卡镇,但很快就撤走了,只留下老布...