The film is a strange and anti-hero transposition of a very popular animated manga cartoon in the 80s called Stell Jeeg. Here, a young outlaw (Enzo) is somehow affected by radioactive waste in the Tiber waters in Rome. He subsequently finds out he has gained super powers and interprets them a...
一个奇怪的家庭:17岁的菲尔和他的母亲和孪生妹妹生活在一个古老的豪宅在镇子的郊外。从夏令营回来后,心情豪宅的恶化。菲尔并不担心,与他最好的朋友凯特。当他开始感到一种神秘吸引新学生在学校,菲尔只是陷入情感动荡加剧了国内的麻烦。基于由Andreas Steinhofel畅销书。