Fascinated by the root causes of violent behavior, world renowned psychologist, Dr. Amanda Tyler, has an opportunity to interview and analyze death row inmate Jackson Shea. As the interview commences, and Jacks fate hangs in the balance, Amanda must determine whether or not a stay of executio...
罗密欧(莱昂纳多?迪卡普里奥 饰)与茱丽叶(克莱尔?丹妮丝 饰)在一个派对上一见钟情了,这个派对是为了庆祝茱丽叶找到了如意郎君。可是他们各自所在的家族是死对头,常常爆发冲突。罗密欧潜入了茱丽叶家的后院,两人互诉爱意,由于知道家族之间的不和是他们的障碍,所以他们在神父的帮 助下秘密完婚。茱丽叶的表兄...