Having witnessed his junkie father killed Russell Stevens grows up to become a policeman and make a difference. When he is offered an undercover job by Gerald Carver he accepts and begins to build a relationship with David Jason in order to get to the main dealers. However as he is forced to...
Michele今年16岁,和所有处于青春期的孩子一样,他的生活不太开心:他喜欢的女生喜欢别人,他和父母的关系也很紧张。 Michele总是觉得非常孤单,并且对这个世界有些绝望。所有的一切都被孪生姐姐Natasha和亲生母亲Yelena的出现打破了,她们将带领Michele一起开始一段无法逃避的冒险
Aspiring martial artist Ria Khan believes she must save her older sister, Lena, from her impending marriage. With the help of her friends, Ria attempts to pull off the most ambitious of all wedding heists in the name of independence and sisterhood. 源自:
美国工程师彼德森(夏恩·韦斯特 Shane West 饰)意外得到一部手机,接收到一条神秘短信他先是因为它躲过了一次空难,后来,又在赌场里利用手机给他的短信赢得了不少的钱。他在赌场的举动不仅引起了赌场头目约翰的注意,也引来了格兰特特工。表面上格兰特用诈骗罪将彼德森逮捕,实际上他知道凡是用过此种手机的人最后都...