General Manager, Byun Tae-sup is about to conduct the brutal individual performance review, as the company’s performance dropped due to the bad economic condition. Under the stressful situation, he is forced into preparing a company picnic for his team and falls into a trap set up by the comp...
法蒂玛是个单亲妈妈,用打扫卫生的微薄薪水独自带着两个女儿生活在巴黎——15岁的苏阿德正值青春反抗期,18岁的娜斯蕾刚刚开始就读医学院。法蒂玛的法语很差,而生长在法国的女儿们又不和她说阿拉伯语,法蒂玛每天都在为和女儿的交流感觉力不从心。她既为她们感到骄傲又因为交流不够而不 禁担心。一天法蒂玛不小心从楼...