高三的冬天,所剩无几的高中生活。大家都认为就这么毫无波澜地迎来毕业之日。 直到某一天,他突然回来了。 在中学时搬去遥远城镇的同学。与不合时节的转学生的再次相见,伴随着某种不确定的感情,转变开始的信号发出了微弱的声响。
衍生剧《BORDER 冲动~检视官比嘉美香~》的主人公是波瑠饰演的法医学教室助手比嘉美香,在日剧版中,她的女汉子形象以及超乎寻常的验尸能力为她博得了人气。 比嘉美香是警视厅特别检视官,帮助主人公石川一起调查案件,悬疑剧时间设定在她就任特别检视官半年前,那时她还在永正大学医学部医学教室担任助手,帮助解决...
Three friends, filming an audition tape for an extreme reality game show, take part in shark cage diving. Which soon turns into a catastrophic turn of events, leaving them in great white infested waters, turning their recording into a blood chilling diary of survival and death.
A teachers world is torn apart when his wife and children are brutally murdered at the hands of a ruthless gang. Left for dead and with no one to turn to, he takes matters into his own hands and hits the streets in search of justice.
BBC地平线:跨性别者Health-Medical Documentary hosted by Rebecca Root, published by BBC broadcasted as part of BBC Horizon series in 2017 - English narration