OnlyallsiteS 2015-2017-Lauren Louise-8292
“不论何种谜团都全部解明,这就是我雷顿侦探社的宗旨。” 雷顿教授的女儿卡特莉艾尔·雷顿,和会说话的狗夏洛以及助手诺亚一起经营雷顿侦探社,每天都在解决发生在伦敦的不可思议事件。原本为了寻找突然失踪的父亲艾尔夏尔·雷顿而开始的这份工作,但利用各种异想天开的想法来解谜却逐渐成为了话题,并开始迎来各种委托。
Tae-joon (Lee Sang-hoon) and Seo-yeon (Park Min-kyeong) wrap up their city life and start over in a quiet countryside. Tae-joon is still learning how to farm and he hasn"t had a decent harvest of fruits for several years. He gets stressed and blames the soil. Seo-hyeon suggests they start a "...
David Billa a refugee comes to Rameswaram in Tamil Nadu and his journey begins into crime. Initially he starts as a local diamond smuggler. He eventually meets Abbasi, an underworld don in Goa and helps him out in a deal and wins his favor. For one of Abbasis deals Billa goes to Georgia where...