喜欢听相声的人,一碰面少不了要提郭德纲和于谦。两位算是相声界的最佳拍档,哥俩合作十几年,一直配合默契,可谓是“我中有你,你中有我”。《德云社郭德纲从艺30周年相声专场太原站 2019》我们一起相约看大师级别的相声演绎,体验开怀大笑。
Best friends Cliff and Otis plan to get rich quick by stealing from some of the most dangerous foes in the business: drug dealers. Going against the plan, the two spend the night partying, allowing the molikan.com audience to see that, in a certain light, the "bad guys" weren't...
After defeating the aliens and saving Earth, the Legends find themselves stranded in 1925 Odessa, Texas with a destroyed Waverider. Wanting to help fix things, Astra tries using her powers, unwanted attention from the town and that of the new Director of the Bureau of Investigation, J. Edgar...