第53届台湾电影金马奖颁奖典礼在台北举行,最佳女主角是双黄蛋!周冬雨、马思纯 凭借《七月与安生》共登影后宝座;范伟凭《不成问题的问题》荣膺金马影帝;冯小刚以《我不是潘金莲》问鼎最佳导演;最佳影片则由《八月》爆冷获得。另外,金燕玲获最佳女配,台湾小生林伯宏爆冷拿下最佳男配。
Bollywood Diaries is a tribute to passionate aspiring actors. It chronicles the journey of three unrelated souls, who dream to make it big in Bollywood. The plot encompasses a guy working at a call-center in Delhi, a middle-aged government servant from Bhilai and a prostitute from Sonagachi K...