《暴走大事件》由暴走漫画荣誉出品,是一档让人只要点开就根本停不下来,乐得合不拢腿的新闻脱口秀节目,在轻松搞怪的同时,又具有极强的社会讽刺意义。主持人王尼玛更凭借诙谐幽默的语言风格、无节操无下限的犀利吐槽,受到网友们的热烈追捧。 2014年6月27日,《暴走大事件》第三季强势回归! 我们胸怀天下, 一腔...
Two women start living with a man who lives alone.The women introduce themselves as sisters looking for their long lost father and they start to seduce the man. Actually, these women are a serial killing duo who only target men who live alone. In the end, the man loses his life. While they ar...
Starring Walton Goggins, sees Harry Clarke, Leyla Toumi and George White entangled in the dangerous world of the deep state as they set their sights on Mali, a country replete in vast natural resources. Also starring Victoria Hamilton, Anastasia Griffith, Alexander Siddig, Zainab Jah, and Lil...
根据尾田荣一郎人气少年漫画「海贼王」制作的TV动画特别篇「海贼王 萨博的故事 ~三兄弟的羁绊 奇迹的再会和被继承的意志~(原名:ワンピース エピソード オブ サボ~3兄弟の絆 奇跡の再会と受け継がれる意志~)」将于8月22日晚上9点至11点10分在富士电视系播出。现在本作的主视觉图已经公开,可以看到3名主人公小...
The eight toon "participants" are parodies of famous cartoon figures Spanky Ham is a downloaded internet cartoon as mentioned in a previous episode (Newgrounds.com). Captain Hero is like Superman (DC Comics). Ling-Ling is like Pikachu from Pokémon (Nintendo Games). Xandir is like Link from Th...