Stone directed Drumline and will take the helm on the comedy about an ambitious black sorority girl who teaches a dance to a clique of Kardashian-obsessed white girls in order to get into the law school of her dreams.Chuck Hayward wrote the screenplay and Alvarez produces with Lena Waithe and...
高校女教师三部曲/性教三部曲》三部电影分别是三位导演所拍摄。唯一的相同在于女主角都是同一个演员——爱云芬尼(Edwige Fenech)。 在欧美国家,人们将制作精良的电影称为“A片”,此“A片”非“American Film”而为A级制作,也成为“Quality movies”。“B片”乃次等片之意。这类片子往往是导演水平不够,演员不够大牌,或投...