Stan, screeplay writer, had his time of glory in Hollywood. Today, alcoholic with a certain envy for suicide, his only link to life is his daughter, Charlotte.
北京时间6月26日晚22点整,2018年世界杯小组赛C组最后一轮比赛打响,澳大利亚对阵秘鲁。上半场,卡里略凌空抽射破门, 帮助秘鲁队打进本届世界杯首粒进球,罗基奇、莱基接连错失良机,秘鲁暂时1-0领先澳大利亚;下半场,格雷罗再下一城,比伊奇抽射偏出。最终,秘鲁2-0战胜澳大利亚,获得小组第三,澳大利亚小组垫底...
Every year, a major football tournament for kids takes place in the Westman Islands, off the south coast of Iceland. This year, ten-year-old Jón, who is competing at the event with his team, will have to grow up faster than he expected, both on and off the pitch.