Yern, a bus driver, Lay, his cross-eyed best friend, and Peh, a crippled woman who sells fish at the local market are all sick of being poor. They feel the only way they will ever have a chance to be rich is to join the gang of Mafia godfather, Boss Tod. The threesome is assigned by Boss Tod ...
泰国搞笑顽皮鬼团队最新搞笑电影 《名媛风暴》的恐怖和血腥的恐怖故事开始于Phojaman (Ko Tee Aram Boy),一个可爱的小女孩,从一个乡村旅行到曼谷。为了继续按照他父亲生前的遗愿学习,他允许波特贾曼和母亲阿姆拉帕·普鲁普哈纳莱一家住在巴安多克·迈通府,这是一个神圣的地方阿姨。然后,当波贾曼走进来来到通的...