Josh Fosse is a 20something guy whose life is going nowhere. His girl left, his rent is late, and he lacks a real job. He is trying to make it as an app reviewer online and decides to review a self help app called i-Lived for fun. He's signs on and immediately his life turns around. He meets ...
故事发生在一座人迹罕至的边境小镇上。贾各布(法瑞斯·法瑞斯 Fares Fares 饰)、兰斯(Göran Ragnerstam 饰)、安吉塔(西西拉·凯尔 Sissela Kyle 饰)和汉肯(Erik Ahrnbom 饰)供职于镇上的警察局。这个小镇实在是太安全也太平静了,镇上已经有十几年没有发生过任何的违法事件了。 这一情况引起了国家中央警察总...
In 1974, 12-year-old Jan Broberg was abducted from a small community in Idaho. When Jan was returned 5 weeks later, she assured her parents and the courts that "nothing had happened"....enabling a pedophile to go free, and paving the way for Jan's second abduction and years of sexua...
Take New York City, add every horrifying beast, science-fiction freak, and fantasy faerie, shake thoroughly, and youve got Ugly Americans.3月17日,喜剧频道将播出新动画剧《丑陋的美国人》(Ugly Americans)。该剧讲述热心肠的社会工作者Mark Lilly帮助刚刚来到纽约的「市民」融入美国社会的故事。你也注...