1910年,有“音乐暴君”之称的马勒,发现心爱的太太红杏出墙,第三者竟然是Bauhaus创办人兼建筑师Walter Gropius。受尽情变折磨的马勒,远走荷兰找来正在度假的弗洛伊德尽诉心声。起初不愿意接受心理治疗的马勒,无奈坐上弗洛伊德的病人床,回忆起跟年轻19岁的太太Aima的相遇情形:两人火速热恋,互相欣赏。但婚后的马...
Six years after her husband, a prominent Belgrade lawyer, died in a fire, Anja Kolar receives information that makes her question everything she thought she knew about the accident and about her own family as well. At the same time the sudden death of his best friend's daughter draws pol...
David, a university professor, takes to social media to criticize his city’s administration. But instead of the mayor’s dodgy dealings being investigated, David is himself accused of embezzlement and placed under house arrest. Despite the overbearing surveillance, double-crossing acquaintanc...