The story of ten-year-old Nori plays out in Kosovo, in Germany, and on the road between the two countries. His father Gezim dominates his entire world, however, one day he leaves for work in the “West” and Nori won’t be placated concerning his sudden disappearance.
在苏丹的美国记者面临进退两难的选择,到底是要回国报道他们所看到的暴行,还是留下来帮助他们遇到的受害者呢?(译:sky200700) 苏丹达尔富尔(Darfur)地区位于苏丹西部,与乍得接壤,面积约占全国总面积的五分之一。这里地势较高,降雨量多,自然条件仅次于苏丹南部和尼罗河沿岸,蕴藏的石油等自然资源也有待开发。约...
The newest film from Greek director Syllas Tzoumerkas and his second collaboration with Angeliki Papoulia, star of the New Greek Cinema (Dogtooth, The Lobster), is a fierce and untamed crime tale, told in larger-than-life images. 柏林电影节全景单元
Joosep(Pärt Uusberg 饰)是爱沙尼亚一所普通高中内的学生,他并未继承曾为军人的父亲强硬的个性,而因懦弱、内向的性格时常受到同班同学欺负。忍气吞声,不敢诉于家长和老师。原本在欺凌者行列的Kaspar(Vallo Kirs 饰)某天终于看不下去,出手帮助Joosep,此举令二人在班内受到孤立,针对二人的暴力事件不断升级...