Vienna, 1920. The Austro-Hungarian Empire has collapsed. Peter Perg returns home from the Great War, after seven years as a Russian POW. Vienna is experiencing the multiplicity of political, social and artistic freedom, but also the rise of anti-democra
地球即将毁灭!!成千上万陨石来袭,让你逃也不了!终于……该来的还是来了,成千上万有如小岛般的陨石正沿著地球的轨道飞来,躲不了也无处可逃,而每颗陨石都具有1000颗核子弹的威力,不管它的落点在哪都将带来彻底的毁灭。美国太空总署(NASA)和尼尔·甘特教授(克里斯丁·索利曼诺 饰)又将如何解决这场终极浩劫呢?
Vienna, 1920. The Austro-Hungarian Empire has collapsed. Peter Perg returns home from the Great War, after seven years as a Russian POW. Vienna is experiencing the multiplicity of political, social and artistic freedom, but also the rise of anti-democra
庞格 (威查宇˙里拉塔纳蒙肯 饰)是位内向的高中生,虽不擅长踢足球但为了满足父亲的期望而硬着头皮加入校队。而相反的,萍珂 (珠拉瑞˙汉蓉柔 饰)是个个性直率且热爱足球的女孩,她因爱慕校队的队长-彼克(洽查威˙德查卢朋 饰),一心希望能进入校队,但碍于性别的关系而无法成功加入。但在一次偶然地意外中,庞格和萍珂...