The film centers around a girl who inherits a miniature horse that develops an unlikely friendship with her half-sister's Jack Russell Terrier, who takes to riding on the horse's back.
With his carefree lifestyle on the line, a wealthy charmer poses as a ranch hand to get a hardworking farmer to sell her family's land before Christmas.
英国BBC最新电视剧《尘归尘》是《火星生活》的衍生剧。英国电视剧《Life on Mars》(火星生活) 曾获英国电视学院奖及国际艾美奖,ABC已在翻拍美版。这部剧集科幻(尤其是时间旅行)题材与警匪片于一身,说的是曼城的一个警探山姆-泰勒,在办案中被车撞倒在地,从昏迷中醒来后发现自己回到了1973年,成为警探吉恩-亨特的...