When Rumpelstiltskin destroys the Magic Mirror and escapes to the modern world, the four princesses of "Once Upon a Time"-Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, and Rapunzel-are sucked through the portal too. Well-trained and endowed with magical powers, the four women must fight Rumpelstil...
Remo Street is a young fighter who comes from a world where nothing is easy, so when he is faced with the opportunity to train with a world class coach, he has to choose between the long hard road to honor and glory, or succumbing to a brutal future as a cage fighter for the Russian Mafia.
一个小男孩阿尔弗雷德快死了,而是通过对氦的故事 - 一个神奇的幻想世界,告诉医院偏心看门人恩佐,阿尔弗雷德夺回他的生命的喜悦和幸福,并找到一个安全的避风港远离日常生活。