To chase her dream of going to school in her remote Himalayan village, a feisty paraplegic girl locks horns with her tradition-bound grandfather. Sprightly Chuskit's dream of going to school is cut short when she is rendered a paraplegic after an accident. She's confined to life indo...
Beneath the fake blood and cheap masks of countless haunted house attractions across the country, there are whispers of truly terrifying alternatives. Looking to find an authentic, blood-curdling good fright for Halloween, five friends set off on a road trip in an RV to track down these under...
Acclaimed actress Angela Lansbury won a Golden Globe for Best Actress in a Drama in this season, and it’s no big mystery to see why. From international espionage to insurance scams to murder in the air, Jessica Fletcher (Lansbury) is the only one clever enough to read between the lines and se...
你好,我叫马尔柯姆。我只是个普通人,直到有一天被发现智商165。他们说:“就算爱因斯坦也要上学。”于是我被转到了克瑞博尼天才班,这里除了怪人就只剩小丑了,老师卡洛琳还让我们排成方队跳舞,引来许多孩子朝我们扔东西,太丢人了。 自从我成为天才以后,人们对待我的态度变得不一样了,我的家人也是这样。有人说...