丹麦夫妇 Louise 和 Kasper 搬到了一个与世隔绝的林中小村里,过上了远离现代文明的生活。Louise 很想但一个妈妈但似乎他们有生育方面的问题。Louise 最后说服了她的女佣 Elena 为他们代孕,Elena 的肚子一天天大起来了,但是事情变得越来越不对劲……
A man released from prison is torn between a life of crime and a fresh start with a woman he meets w...
Nesting Dolls is a psychological thriller about the darker sides of us that can lie just beneath the surface. Tori, Britt, and Erica are sorority sisters who spend a week together at a river house. When near-catastrophe strikes, the three are forced against one another as sisters turn to ene...
Stacey Dooley Investigates -Young Sex for Sale in JapanJapan has a serious problem with the sexualisation of children. From bars where men pay to meet schoolgirls to suggestive pictures of very young children and comic books featuring child rape, the country has faced global criticism for its...
The novel centres on Yvonne Carmichael, an eminent geneticist in her early 50s, and begins with her giving evidence to a Parliamentary Select Committee.On her way out of the building, the happily married Carmichael catches the eye of a man and they have sex in the crypt chapel – an event that...