In its catalogue, a Czech travel agency offers a "journey into the unknown", a tour of North Korea. This trip was the second time since 1990 that a group of Czech tourists set foot in North Korea. The film follows twenty-seven Czechs who have decided to spend approximately 2,600 Euros on a si...
He feels at home in places we would flee from and lives his life among the very things we fear. Throughout his life, HR Giger had inhabited the world of the uncanny, a dark universe on the brink of many an abyss. It was the only way this amiable, modest and humorous man was able to keep his f...
Seventh grade is finally over and Addies life is still less than fabulous. Shes just getting over her break-up with Randy Klein, and on the last day of school, she finds out that Jake Behari wrote that he liked her in her yearbook! Addie finds this out a little too late to ask him about it......