His triumph over The Flea, has made Antboy hugely popular. But he is now up against a more formidable foe in the shape of the new boy in school, a smooth charmer who is fully intent on luring Ida away from Pelle. Pelle also finds himself being haunted; a brand new supervillain has announced h...
导演弗森·殴兹派特的故事似乎总是关于秘密,这次也不例外。想要成为作家的Tommaso一直瞒着家人他的梦想和性取向,因为他知道爱面子的父亲期待他和哥哥Antonio继承家族事业。而这一天,他决定在全家人面前出柜,为的就是彻底激怒父亲将他扫地出门,然后自己便能在罗马过上自由没有谎言和压力的生活。然而出乎 意料的...
Two friends try executing their ‘get-rich-quick’ plan by kidnapping their boss’s daughter, but when the plan falls apart, they must scramble to fix the situation and repair their friendship.
In this gentle anti-war comedy, a class of French schoolboys divides into two factions who begin to battle each other, with the victors claiming the buttons off the clothes of the vanquished. One day, some of the boys pull a strategic coup by running into battle naked, therefore leaving their...
Pavel是个房地产诈骗犯。他的新目标是一份古老的遗产——它唯一的主人是一位孤单的老女士。还有比这更容易得手的吗? Pavel很快就编好了诈骗词和合同等书面项目。他简直已经可以开始准备庆祝他的又一次成功了;但就在这时,他却遇到了种种莫名其妙的事! Pave每夜都会不由控制地到那些正在想他的人、只...