恐怖!致命!最危险的毒蛇大军入侵西部小镇 亡命之徒比尔来到偏远西部小镇,那里以充满黑帮,犯罪闻名,然而这群穷凶恶极的罪犯,即将面临最恐怖的敌人:沙漠毒蛇大军!一大群拥有剧毒的的毒蛇涌入小镇,只要被咬上一口立即命丧黄泉,镇民们陆续惨死,剩下的人被迫聚集在一起,此时比尔急中生智用炸药将蛇群炸死,但...
From a torturous cell in Africa, Abel Powell is released and given the chance to regroup his team of skilled mercenaries for one last job. A top scientist will guide them half a mile underground through an ex-Soviet bunker to extract the vital specimens and information being paid for by a mys...
在世界末日之后,一群虔诚的沉默的狂热者追捕着 Azrael(萨玛拉·维文 Samara Weaving 饰),一个逃脱了自己的监禁的年轻女人——她将不惜一切代价活下去。