Nearly fifty years ago, a gunman rode the elevator to the twenty-seventh floor of the University of Texas Tower and opened fire. TOWER, an animated and action-packed documentary, shares the untold story of that day - when the worst in one man brought out the best in so many others.
火爆全球的《银河护卫队》热潮第二弹,漫威不久前在纽约漫展上发布“银护”动画版的首张海报和首支测试片段,正式宣布动画版计划。“火箭”和“星爵”均在视频中亮相。漫威电视部总监 Jeph Loeb 在纽约漫展上宣布了动画版的消息,并播映了这段一分多钟的测试画面。视频中,“火箭”浣熊手持重型机枪武器,开火射落一架无人机...