12岁的曲棍球奇才Janeau Trudel,在他妈妈惨死之后搬到了新的城市。他与球队的女守门员结下了友谊。这个有才且果敢的年轻女孩想不惜一切代价参加魁北克的Pee-Wee曲棍球联赛。不幸的是,几个队员并不看好Janeau的到来。他能不顾争吵和嫉妒,带领球队进军联赛吗?
In 1932 Alice Whelan, fleeing a faithless husband in England and passing herself off as a widow, arrives with her baby in Simla, India, where her brother Ralph is private secretary to the Viceroy. On the train she meets the missionary Dougie Raworth and his waspish wife Sarah with their young...