Kaitlin Olson是女主角,扮演Mackenzie “Mickey” Murphy,生活潦倒、说话粗鲁、烟不离手的女人。因为她那富得流油的妹妹为了逃避联邦起诉而逃离了美国,只好搬到康涅狄格州的格林威治,去照顾妹妹那些已宠坏的孩子。她很快知道一件众人皆知的事:别人家的就是熊孩子。Sofia Black D’Elia 扮演Sabrina,Mickey照顾的...
Life is really tough for Julie and Billy, two 30-something aspiring comics living and working in New York City. While their friends and acquaintances move on to find success and love, they continue to struggle with careers and relationships, getting more bitter by the day.
Pete Versus Life是Channel 4台的一部喜剧。它讲述了年轻体育记者Pete Griffiths的挣扎生活,Pete发现自己的心态不够成熟,无法应付生活中各种复杂问题,他真的希望自己的生活像体育一样有确定的规则。(文:life_is_good@YDY)Pete Versus Life is a comedy drama series which follows the life of struggling young...