After X-Corp, a radical weapons manufacturer, is taken over by a Cyber Virus, a group of survivors must fight to save humanity from the army of Cyborgs the Virus now controls.
Pandemic is set in the near future, where a virus of epic proportions has overtaken the planet. There are more infected than uninfected, and humanity is losing its grip on survival. Its only hope is finding a cure and keeping the infected contained. Lauren (Rachel Nichols) is a doctor, who, a...
随着黑暗世界与光明世界之间斗争的愈演愈烈,地球作为没有被保护的星球随时存在着危机。人类的贪欲使得地球危机四伏,黑暗势力趁机而入,妄想控制人类从而毁灭地球。 在黑暗世界的魔抓之下,邪恶势力充斥着整个莫斯科城。一群正义化身的勇士悄然而至,接连不断的官员被杀案引起了奸商裘洛的吓人。于此同时,复活归来...