简介:【影片尺度】:三級(19限)【主演演員】:金善英.尹靜姬.李大根.邊俊石.許政敏.閔志赫.吳初熙. 等主演.【劇情簡介】: 韓國女星金善英在主演的電影《華麗的外出》中,與19歲的純情小年(邊俊錫飾)上演火辣激情戲。近日該片的海報和劇照在網上大量曝光,她緊摟小年的脖子,2人大膽全裸上陣,並展現出色的表情演技,相當引人遐思,另外,該片也號稱是「韓國史上第一部19禁電影」。 金善英在近日曝光的《華麗的外出》海報中,大尺度的裸身拍攝,引起外界熱烈討論,劇照中,則僅用一本書遮掩私密處,與男演員上演各種親熱畫面,散發出性感魅力,引發不少男性觀眾的高度關注,據悉,該片是韓國成人電影《個人授課》的完結篇。▼金善英在新片《華麗的外出》海報中全裸上陣。 【Storyline】: Hee-Soo (Kim Sun-Young) is a popular songwriter with numerous hits, but she is going through a dry spell. She wonders if she lost her inspiration, because she is lonely. Hee-Soo then meets a boy (Byun Joon-Suk) in the elevator of an apartment building. She notices his stares. Hee-Soo feels a new song coming about. On the pretext of giving the boy music lessons, Hee-Soo gives the boy a lesson in love. As time passes, the boy falls for her more and more and Hee-Soo"s song is almost completed. At this time, Joon-Ho, who taught her about love and music, returns.